CBD Sleep Softgels

CBD Sleep Softgels

We are so excited to announce our Sleep Softgels with 3 amazing ingredients to help you get a good night sleep.
10mg CBD
10mg CBN
5mg Melatonin
CBD taken in any form is loved by many for its sedative properties but when you combine it with CBN and Melatonin, this is a winning combination! Plus, these softgels are naturally formulated to help you fall asleep faster and help keep you asleep. For the first time, we are offering a product with a lesser-known cannabinoid called CBN. We love CBN because it can make you sleepy. In fact, we call it the sleepy cannabinoid because it is believed to have the most sedative properties. CBN is also getting some attention for reducing pain, stress, and anxiety and for reducing ocular pressure in glaucoma patients.
CBD and Melatonin promote sleep too!
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CBD Sleep Softgels